our values
Lasting social change can only happen if it is caused by the action of the individuals or groups for whom it is necessary. Any individual or group committed to increasing their power to act must find within themselves, and determine for themselves, the laws and principles of their actions, their organization, their associations.
Everyone is considered with equal dignity, without distinction of race, belonging to an ethnic group, gender, opinion, belief, philosophy, morals or religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, state of health, living condition, nationality or origin, administrative, family or financial situation.
Every principle and plan is constructed from experience, that is to say from the lives of individuals and groups concerned by the social problem to be resolved. Similarly, any decision is made collectively by the group concerned by the resulting action. Any plan is modified over time depending on the hazards encountered during its execution.
Whoever considers his dignity seriously must take seriously the effort required to build the necessary power of action. Discipline is understood here in the sense of martial art: as a necessary condition of autonomy.

“the last shall be the first”
Any action and any organization must be implemented based on the capacity of individuals whose power to act within a group is the most diminished because it is to the degree of power reached by the latter that the success of the The action will be evaluated.