Conatus has supported the group of mothers since its creation. In terms of support known as POUVOIR, he participated in his leadership and is now working on the development of his leadership and its structure. In terms of support known as AGIR, Conatus was involved in the design and implementation of a campaign aimed at combating discriminatory refusals of school registration in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis which resulted in more than twenty legal convictions of discriminatory Municipalities and an ongoing structural reform of national education practices in the department.
“We didn’t know how much power we could have. With Conatus, we learned to have more confidence in ourselves to enforce our rights.”
Alisa Catalan, Member of the group of mothers
“The accompaniment of Conatus has given each of us courage and confidence in our ability to make our voices heard, to commit ourselves to defend our lives and our rights.”
Mirela Georghe, Spokesperson for the mothers’ collective

Collectif des Mamans
The mothers’ collective is made up of women living in slums, squats, social hotels and on the streets in the Seine-Saint-Denis department. They came together at the initiative of two school mediators from the Askola association who themselves experienced these situations. The women of the mothers’ collective make it their mission to defend their children’s access to school as well as the conditions for their success within educational establishments.